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List of datasets and elements available on iTacs

Users can use two types of datasets, analysis dataset and forecast one on iTacs.

The analysis dataset consists of re-analysis and observational data such as the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) provided by NOAA, sea surface temperature analysis (Merged satellite and in-situ data Global Daily Sea Surface Temperature: MGDSST) data, world climate data from surface observation stations (CLIMAT reports). The forecast dataset consists of JMA's one-month prediction model products and re-forecast (hind-cast) dataset.

The datasets and its elements available on iTacs are listed as below.

Analysis dataset

Dataset Element Unit
JRA-3Q Pressure Levels χ (Velocity potential) 106 m2/s
Div (Relative divergence) 1/s
θe (Equivalent potential temperature) K
ω (Pressure vertical velocity) Pa/s
ψ (Stream function) 106 m2/s
θ (Potential temperature) K
q (Specific humidity) kg/kg
T (Temperature) °C
T-Td (Dew point depression) K
U (Zonal wind) m/s
V (Meridional wind) m/s
Ws (Horizonal Wind Speed) m/s
Udiv (Zonal divergence wind) m/s
Vdiv (Meridional divergence wind) m/s
ζ (Relative vorticity) 1/s
γ (Geopotential height) gpm
EGR (Maximum growth rate in the Eady problem) 1/day
KE (Kinetic energy of high-frequency variation) m2/s2
Flux Waf-xc (Calculate zonal wave activity flux) m2/s2
Waf-yc (Calculate meridional wave activity flux) m2/s2
Waf-zc (Calculate vertical wave activity flux) Pa m/s2
Wvf-x (Zonal water vapor flux) kg/kg m/s
Wvf-y (Meridional water vapor flux) kg/kg m/s
U'V' (Momentum flux by eddies) m2/s2
V'T' (Heat flux by eddies) K m/s
Surface SLP (Sea level pressure) hPa
Ps (Surface pressure) hPa
qs (Surface specific humidity) kg/kg
Ts (Surface temperature) °C
T-Td (Surface 2m dew point depression) K
Us (Surface zonal wind) m/s
Vs (Surface meridional wind) m/s
Wss (Surface horizontal wind speed) m/s
Tprat (Surface total precipitation) mm/day
SST (Sea surface temperature) °C
Ice (Ice cover)
Latent heat flux (positive: upward) W/m2
Sensible heat flux (positive: upward) W/m2
Solar radiation flux (positive: upward) W/m2
Longwave radiation flux (positive: upward) W/m2
Net heat and radiation flux (positive: upward) W/m2
Isentropic Levels Potential vorticity PVU (10-6 K m2/kg/s)
Zonal wind m/s
Meridional wind m/s
Vertical wind Pa/s
SAT Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) W/m2
SAT_CBO CPC Blended OLR W/m2
MGDSST Sea Surface Data Temperature (SST) °C
COBE-SST2 Sea Surface Data Temperature (SST) °C
Ice concentration
MOVE-G3 d20-OHC 20°C depth m
OHC (vertical averaged temperature over top 300m) °C
Thermohaline-3D Potential temperature °C
Salinity psu
Thermohaline-2D Potential temperature at BBL °C
Salinity at BBL psu
Sea surface height m
Short wave radiation W/m2
Long wave radiation W/m2
Latent heat flux W/m2
Sensible heat flux W/m2
Heat flux w/o short wave radiation W/m2
Fresh water flux kg/m2/s
Salt flux for restoring psu m/s
Sea ice thickness m
Snow depth m
Ice concentration
Sea-ice surface temperature °C
Current-3D Eastward velocity m/s
Northward velocity m/s
Current-2D Eastward velocity at BBL m/s
Northward velocity at BBL m/s
Eastward component of surface wind stress N/m2
Northward component of surface wind stress N/m2
Eastward velocity of ice m/s
Northward velocity of ice m/s
CLIMAT T (Temperature) °C
Tx (Maximum Temperature) °C
Tm (Minimum Temperature) °C
Rain (Precipitation) mm
INDEX NINO.1+2 SST averaged over the region EQ. - 10 S, 90 W - 80 W K
NINO.3 SST averaged over the region 5 N - 5 S, 150 W - 90 W K
NINO.3.4 SST averaged over the region 5 N - 5 S, 170 W - 120 W K
NINO.4 SST averaged over the region 5 N - 5 S, 160 E - 150 W K
NINO.WEST SST averaged over the region 15 N - EQ., 130 E - 150 E K
IOBW SST averaged over the region 20 N - 20 S, 40 E - 100 E K
WIN SST averaged over the region 10N - 10 S, 50 E - 70 E K
EIN SST averaged over the region Eq. - 10 S, 90 E - 110 E K
DMI Difference between WIN and EIN K
CONST Constant fields of JRA-3Q Land masking (Land:1, Sea:0)
Topographic height m

Forecast dataset

Dataset Element Unit
1MONTH_ENS_MEAN Pressure Levels χ (Velocity potential) 106 m2/s
ψ (Stream function) 106 m2/s
T (Temperature) °C
T-Td (Dew point depression) °C
U (Zonal wind) m/s
V (Meridional wind) m/s
γ (Geopotential height) m
Surface SLP (Sea level pressure) hPa
Ts (Surface temperature) °C
Rain (Daily Precipitation) mm/day
1MONTH_HIND Pressure Levels Velocity potential 106 m2/s
Stream function 106 m2/s
Geopotential height m
Relative humidity %
Temperature °C
Dew point depression °C
Zonal wind m/s
Meridional wind m/s
Surface Surface temperature °C
Surface pressure hPa
Rain mm/day

Tokyo Climate Center, Climate Prediction Division.
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